Twelve months ago Xi Jinping, and 5th generation leaders, inherited extraordinary powers as they took over the helm of the Chinese Communist Party. Alongside these powers they also took on a considerable number of major challenges, prominent among which is China’s occupation of Tibet.
In this powerful new role Xi Jinping was given the opportunity to change four generations of failed Tibet policies by adopting a paradigm shift in the Chinese Communist Party’s approach to Tibet that gives full agency over formulating future policies to the Tibetan people.
However Xi has shown no sign of changing course in Tibet. Instead the Chinese Communist Party can be seen to be continuing down the failed path of previous generations of Chinese leaders, implementing a harsh military crackdowns and unsustainable economic subsidies, which - far from bringing about the stability they seek - serve to exacerbate Tibetan grievances and create widespread resistance right across Tibet.
During the past 12 months we have seen China’s stranglehold occupation in Tibet maintained by Three Pillars of Coercive Control: Military Occupation, Colonial Rule and Fear and Intimidation.
Xi Jinping needs to recognize that Tibetan resistance to China’s failed Tibet policies is not fading away, and the growing strength of international condemnation of China’s leadership is further highlighting the need for change.
How has Xi performed in the last 12 months?